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Step 3: Select payment plan

With your order(s) placed on your suppliers’ web-shop, you will be prompted to go to your Sevi App. Open the Sevi app and login with your PIN.

Go to orders

On your Sevi App tap on Orders to view the orders you placed. This section will give you an overview of orders and their status. A new order has status pending which means you still have to select your payment plan.


Tap Payment Option

To select a payment plan for a specific order, click on Payment Options


Choose the payment plan you wish to use

Depending on e.g. your order size, your supplier and your personal track record you will be presented with different payment plan options. Each payment plan shows:

  • number of instalments to be made
  • instalment interval (weekly or monthly)
  • fees for using the payment plan
  • amount per instalment
  • deposit amount

Option 1: DIRECT PAY is a payment in full from your Sevi account to your supplier, this equals to a cash payment.

Option 2: DAILY PAYis a payment plan with daily instalments.

Option 3: WEEKLY PAYis a payment plan with weekly instalments.

Option 4: MONTHLY PAYis a payment plan with monthly instalments.

To find out more about Payment Plans, Click here

What if I do not see any Payment Plans? Click here

Accept terms

Click the check-box to agree with the terms. The main terms are shown in the app, the full terms can be seen through the link All terms. When paying late a late fee is charged, the highth of this late fee is shown in under the main terms.

Complete order

Click Complete order to finalize your payment.

NOTE: when you complete your order the deposit amount is automatically deducted from your Sevi account. When the balance of your Sevi account does not suffice to pay for the deposit, you will be instructed to Top-up your Sevi account before you can complete your order.

How to Top-up your Sevi account, Click here


Your supplier is notified you paid the deposit for your order and is instructed to deliver the order. Once the order is delivered your payment plan starts. In the Order section you find the status of your order.