Before you make any purchases or order products using Sevi, you first need to Top-up your Sevi account.
Step 1: Tap on the Top-up icon

Step 2: Enter the amount you wish to deposit into your Sevi account
After selecting the preferred phone number you would like to use, enter amount you would like to topup.

From the number provided, you will be prompted to enter your PIN, so you don't have to fill out the details manually. This is the preferred option as it eliminates typo mistakes. After entering the correct PIN the funds will be deposited into your Sevi Wallet.
Step 3: Check balance
After making payments from your mobile money or bank, your funds will reflect on your Sevi account. Depending on the payment method you used this balance is up date near instant. You can refresh the data by pulling down your screen.
Congratulations! With your funds deposited in your wallet, you can proceed to order products, or make (early) instalment payments.