The Orders page provides a comprehensive view of all customer orders in the system. This interface allows sellers to track and manage orders efficiently.
Page Elements
Search and Filter
- A search bar in the top-right corner allows quick lookup of orders
- A "Filter" button enables advanced filtering of orders
Order Table
The main table displays key order information with the following columns:
- Name - Customer's name
- Order Ref - Unique order reference number
- Shared Reference - Additional reference field (marked with 's')
- Payment Status - Shows either:
- PAID (green)
- PENDING (orange)
- Total - Order amount
- Created At - Order creation date
- Fulfillment - Order status:
- DELIVERED (green)
- PENDING (yellow)
- Phone Number - Customer's contact number
- A "Create Payment Request" button is available at the bottom of the page
- Additional options can be accessed through the menu (⋮) button in the top-right corner
The left sidebar provides quick access to related sections:
- Dashboard
- Orders
- Transactions
- Customers
- Sales Reps
- Payment Request
- Invoice
- Monitor
- Settings